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三电平光伏并网逆变器 SHEPWM 优化控制方法

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三电平光伏并网逆变器 SHEPWM 优化控制方法


【摘要】提高输出电能质量、抑制共模电压和减小电磁干扰对提高光伏并网逆变器的性能具有重要研究意义。以三电平有源中点钳位型(3L-ANPC)光伏并网逆变器为研究对象,将特定谐波消除脉宽调制( SHEPWM )的三相输出波形视为空间状态矢量,分析SHEPWM对应的各开关状态矢量产生的共模电压幅值及其对中点电压的影响,从而提出一种改进的SHEPWM控制策略,在降低并网逆变器输出共模电压的同时,有效地控制了3 L-ANPC光伏并网逆变器的中点电压平衡。最后通过仿真和实验验证了控制策略的有效性。%It is important to improve output power quality , suppress common-mode voltage ( CMV ) and reduce electromagnetic interference for photovoltaic grid-connected inverter .An improved selective har-monics elimination pulse width modulation ( SHEPWM) for three-level active neutral point clamped (3L-ANPC) was proposed .In this strategy , the three-phase waveforms of SHEPWM was regarded as the space state vectors.The three-phase states of SHEPWM have different effects on the CMV and the neutral-point potential ( NP) .In the condition of keeping the NP balancing , the CMV of 3L-ANPC inverter is effec-tively reduced .The simulation and experimental results are provided to verify the effectiveness of the pro-posed control strategy .



